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Size Chart Ana & Cha

How to determine your ring size?

Method 1: Measure the diameter (for the more meticulous)

To do this, get a ring the size of the finger you plan to wear your new ring on and a ruler.

Preferably choose a ring
to facilitate measurement taking

Place the ring on your ruler to
measure its diameter

Report the measurement in the conversion table:
Ring diameter Europe US UK
14 mm 44 3 f1/2
14.6 mm 46 3.75 h
15.3 mm 48 4.5 h1/2 - i/2
16 mm 50 5 jk
16.5 mm 52 6 l - l1/2
17.2 mm 54 7 o - p
17.8 mm 56 7.5 p1/2 - q1/2
18.5 mm 58 8.5 p1/2 - q1/2
19 mm 60 9 r1/2 - s

Method 2: Measure the circumference (for the more manual)

To do this, you will need a piece of fabric or paper ribbon, a ruler and a pencil.

Ideally, you should take your measurements in a temperate place to avoid temperature fluctuations that can cause finger sizes to vary.

Start by drawing a first mark on the ribbon

Wrap the ribbon around your finger

Draw a second mark opposite the first.

Measure the distance between your two marks.

Report the measurement in the conversion table:
Ring diameter Europe US UK
14 mm 44 3 f1/2
14.6 mm 46 3.75 h
15.3 mm 48 4.5 h1/2 - i/2
16 mm 50 5 jk
16.5 mm 52 6 l - l1/2
17.2 mm 54 7 o - p
17.8 mm 56 7.5 p1/2 - q1/2
18.5 mm 58 8.5 p1/2 - q1/2
19 mm 60 9 r1/2 - s